Tuesday, July 6, 2010

19 weeks

We had a wonderful 4th of July. It was a bizarre weekend, because no one knows when to celebrate the 4th here in Utah. Since the 4th of July falls on a Sunday, and we also get the 5th off. Anyway, I finally got my hot dog with grill mark on Monday! horay for our first propane grill, it works wonderfully. Also grilled zucchini is amazing!! Steve did a great job a grilling!!

In the past couple days, I kept on feeling this push in my lower abdominal area, and I can feel a really hard bump on one side. Apparently, this is what a 19 weeks baby look like from inside. My little Tic Tac looks like a pretzel, and it's probably either the head or the bum I am feeling. I can't wait to find out what we are having next Wednesday =^.^=

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